Boone Campus Kitchen and Food Mission

You can give by mailing a check marked, “IBC Kitchen,” to the church office, or by placing cash or check, clearly designated, in the offering plate at either campus. You can also give online by clicking the button below and, when prompted, select Boone Campus Kitchen Renovation Project.

Let’s Get Cooking!

Since its inception, more than 10,000 hot meals have been served through the Immanuel Food Mission Wednesday Community Meal. Each week, the team diligently prepares and cooks delicious meals at our Lakeside Park Campus and then shuttles them to our Boone Campus for community distribution.

A commercial kitchen at each campus will allow for greater discipleship and ministry opportunities across our Northern Kentucky communities.

Here are just a few ways that we can use the kitchen to Make Disciples, Share Faith, and Serve Others:

  • Ministry Opportunities - Discipleship Events, Men’s and Women’s Events, Missions Events, Vacation Bible School, Ida Spence

  • Fellowship Opportunities - Potlucks, Receptions, Funeral Luncheons, Hosting Community Events, and Outreach Meals

  • Preschool and Children’s Ministry Gatherings

Why Renovate?

Our kitchen renovation has been a dream for a while. The Lord has used this ministry to bless thousands of people in our community through our Wednesday Hot Meals and our Saturday Food Pantries for several years, and renovating our Boone Campus Kitchen will help us to continue to bless our community by improving:

  • Safety: Currently, we must transport our food from our Lakeside Park Campus to our Boone Campus. While this method has worked, we do not consider it best practice for food safety. Our intention is to prepare and serve our food in the safest way possible. Renovating our kitchen at the Boone Campus will make it possible to serve our food directly from our kitchen to our visitors!

  • Efficiency: Our team has done a fantastic job working diligently on a weekly basis to prepare our meals, but preparing the food at our Lakeside Campus and transporting it adds hours of work to our dedicated volunteers. On top of the time dedicated to transport, we are also limited to shallow, stock sinks and limited drying space. Renovating our kitchen at the Boone campus will make it possible to prepare our food on sight and clean up significantly faster.

  • Availability: Currently, all cooking and most preparation of food must occur at our Lakeside Campus. Often, we have the conflict of multiple meals being prepared for multiple purposes. For example, every Wednesday, we offer a fellowship meal at our Lakeside Campus in addition to our hot meal at the Boone Campus. Both kitchen crews must share a space, and are kind enough to do so. Renovating our kitchen at the Boone Campus will allow for full use of both kitchens with less opportunity for conflicts of time.

How Can You Help?

We can’t do it without you! Our ask is that you prayerfully consider and contribute toward the kitchen project. You can give by designating your gift at either campus or online: and when prompted, select Boone Campus Kitchen Renovation Project or mail a check to the church office or place in offering plate marked “IBC Kitchen.”

Project Scope

Purpose: To create a commercial kitchen space for current and future ministry opportunities

Volunteer Work: painting, floor stripping, cabinet/cupboard removal, ceiling tile removal/installation

Contracted Work:

  • Plumbing - $45,500.00

  • Electrical - $3,186.59

  • Fire Suppression - $47,328.92

  • Flooring - $8,000.00

  • Ceiling - $2,000.00

  • Construction - $5,000.00

Appliances Already Purchased/Donated:

  • 2 Freezers

  • 4 Refrigerators

  • Warming Oven

  • Dishwasher

Appliances, Hardware, and Kitchen Equipment:

  • South Bend Range - $4,278.00

  • Double Oven - $8,690.99

  • Three Bowl Sink - $1,117.59

  • Wash Sink/Fill Sink - $1,119.66

  • Ice Maker - $2,662.55

  • Prep Tables - $3.010.00

  • Staging Counter - $2,000.00

  • Microwave - $337.50

  • Base Cabinets/Countertops - $13, 300.00

  • Pots/Pans/Miscellaneous Equipment - $2,000.00

Project Status - In Progress/Complete

  • Rough Construction - 95% complete

  • Electrical Upgrade - completed

  • Demolition - set for March 2022

  • Plumbing - set for March 2022

Projected Status - Yet to Complete

  • Flooring

  • Ceiling Tile

  • Cabinets

  • Lighting

  • Purchase Appliances and Fire Suppression System