Through REVIVE we aim to restore our building, and renew our vision so we can fulfill our calling to redeem the world. This video is a collection of testimonials and information about REVIVE.
Proposed second floor renovations
Proposed third floor renovations
Foyer example images
Proposed first floor renovations
Questions & Answers (as received, not in order of priority)
For more information, please contact John Minor (Building Committee leader), or a member of the staff, or you can submit new, or follow up, questions for review via our webpage.
General Questions
· Will we be enlarging the elevator? Adding another elevator? Possibly a chair lift?
Enlarging the current elevator is not possible, but the possibility of, and need for, adding another elevator will be investigated by the Building Committee.
· Where is School of Music going to be?
The main staff office will be moved upstairs, while lessons and other functions will continue to use available spaces.
· Question about distance from parking lot to Worship levels.
The distance will be essentially the same. The parking lot configuration is being reconsidered to maintain as much accessible parking as possible.
· Can we have a portico off the new welcome center?
This idea, taken from feedback, is being seriously considered by the Building Committee.
· Plans to maintain facilities so they don’t get run down like this in the future?
We have recently added a part-time building maintenance supervisor to improve this area.
· Expected impact on future growth in number of members?
Very hard to determine, but the consensus is that doing nothing will foster certain decline.
· How much is still owed on Wesley Hall expansion project?
That debt is approximately $250,000. We also picked up an additional $467,000 in debt with the addition of the Immanuel Boone Campus. We are managing that debt load well, and we do not intend to add additional debt because of this project.
· What is the plan to prioritize work if capital campaign doesn’t raise full amount?
We hope to achieve our primary goal, but this contingency is still under consideration.
· Would like cost breakdown by area.
This is not yet available; this level of detail requires a greater financial investment with the McKnight Group (Design / Build company) which was approved on May 17 – so check back!
· Can we enclose the courtyard between the Wesley Hall & Next Gen Worship Center/ Sanctuary?
This is not possible due to fire codes and other structural issues. It is a good question, and one that the Assessment Team and Building Committee has considered.
· Can you list areas that are wheelchair accessible?
We will have the same basic accessibility which we have now. However, we intend to add handicap accessible automatic doors at the new welcome area and Wesley Hall entrances.
· Will we have better WiFi accessibility?
This has not yet been considered – but this suggestion will be passed on.
· Why youth on lower level?
The main reason is accessibility to their new primary worship and meeting space, the “Next Gen Worship Center.” Designating the lower level for children and youth (primarily) will also help people navigate our building. Moving other groups and spaces adds other benefits to those ministry areas (please contact staff members of impacted areas for more info).
· If people are unable to meet their pledge would we need to take on more debt?
We do not intend to take on additional debt and will be careful to live within our actual means.
· Comment on potential impact of a denominational split.
When and if this occurs, and a true point of decision / choice finally becomes clear – we expect the good people of Immanuel to carry on the work of the Lord in this place in any case.
· Expected savings from new lights and heating systems?
We expect some savings but this has not yet been determined – so check back later.
· What is the impact on our already burdened staff to do this project?
Thanks for the concern, but they are all excited and looking forward to getting started.
· Funding concerns… are we seeking contributions from Sonshine School, School of Music and other groups using the facilities?
We will make every effort to invite all people to participate in supporting this project.
· Does plan address need for more storage?
Yes – some new storage will be added; other spaces will be better managed.
· What about the Boone & New Hope Campuses?
Maintenance and improvements there will not be a part of this project, but our Trustees are always working to address property issues on all our campuses.
· Will members of our other campuses be asked to support this project?
We will invite all people to pray about this opportunity, and respond as God leads, but we expect most of our support will come from our main campus members.
· Are all the bathrooms being remodeled?
· Will vending machines be available again?
That has not been considered, and we have not heard of any interest in this idea, so it is unlikely.
· What’s the current budget?
Our general ministry budget is approx. $1.6 million; with our schools added it is $2.2 million.
· Anticipated completion date?
To be determined, but we hope Fall of 2018.
· Could this updating be done over a longer period?
· of time?
Possibly, but the deferred maintenance issues and other needs will only get worse – and more expensive – over time. If we don’t achieve our financial goals this will become unavoidable.
· Will the choir room be sound proofed so rehearsals won’t interrupt activities in the sanctuary?
This is not expected to be an issue or problem, but we will consider further.
· Why not wait until King property is available? (adjacent to church on Wesley Hall side).
An independent appraiser values that property at approx. $400,000. The King family has it listed for $1.2 million, and have rejected offers of $700K from others. We might pay more than market value, but not 2 or 3 times more. That property might become available, at a reasonable price, at any time, or never, so we choose not to wait. Even if purchased, our best use of that space is unclear, and the renovations we are planning would continue to enhance our ministries.
· Are we switching out the lights to LED in the Sanctuary?
Yes. LED lighting will be added throughout the church.
· Is sound improvement for the Sanctuary included?
· Does the new plan allow for growth in numbers in Sanctuary?
This is not practical for main area; however, we do intend to add some seating in chancel.
· Why do pews need to be refinished?
They are unsightly and with such an uneven finish they are in danger of further deterioration.
· Can there be a window between Narthex & Sanctuary?
The walls are too thick, but we hope to add some portion of glass to the center doors from foyer.
· What is the condition of the roof?
This is under investigation by the Trustees and new roofing may be added before this project begins, using existing funds, as part of ongoing maintenance.
· Changes to chancel & area in front of communion rail. Will there be more seating for Choir?
· Palladium Shades?
Assuming you mean the sanctuary windows (and arches) - great idea – we will investigate.
· With a bathroom in the narthex, where will the storage be?
New storage is being added in other areas, and other spaces will be better managed.
3rd Floor Modifications
· Bathrooms on 3rd floor not ADA compliant. What plans for staff and adult usage?
These will be shared by staff and other uses (as all are now). Churches are exempt from most ADA requirements, but we want to accommodate people, so we are still investigating improvements in this area.
· Upstairs coffee area?
Good idea – we will investigate and consider.
· Are fire escapes required for new office spaces?
The McKnight Group will ensure we are compliant with all fire codes.
Wesley Hall
· What type of flooring in Wesley Hall?
This is still being determined, but we plan to use this space in much the same ways, so the flooring will be designed for multipurpose functions.
· Will the lighting improve in Wesley Hall?
Yes. We are upgrading all AVL – Audio, Visual, and Lighting - in this space.
· What is the stage sized difference compared to what is currently there?
It will be wider and somewhat deeper, with a mix or portable and fixed sections.
· Impact on Upward basketball program?
None expected.
· What is the condition of the roof?
Same answer as sanctuary roof question.
· Will there be monitors on the stage or back wall in Wesley Hall for leaders?
We hope to add something to help meet this need.
· How are acoustics in the Wesley Hall being addressed?
We are using CSD as AVL consultants ( through McKnight and they will be addressing these issues.
New Welcome Center / Foyer
· Do pre-school children enter through Welcome Center?
At this point we intend for families with children to check in their children at our upgraded welcome area (near elevator) and exit through the new Welcome Center / Foyer.
· Can we make the Welcome Center look more like a church entrance?
We have only a general concept now, but we think this new space will blend well with the existing building, and our aim is to make it very clear that this is the main church entrance. Please contact the Building Committee for more information or to share your suggestions.
· What is plan to staff welcome desk during the week and weekends?
We plan to staff a reception desk with volunteers and / or church employees during all high use times and as often as possible for less busy times.
· Address accessibility issues from Welcome Center to Worship level.
Accessibility will be the same as now. We investigated many options for new ways to the next level, which all proved to be cost prohibitive, or which created new problems.
· Will there be monitors in the Welcome Center (new foyer) during services?
We may add monitors for announcements, but we will not broadcast services, because this would require expensive video recording equipment which is not deemed necessary.
· What changes will be made in kitchen?
New appliances (already underway); new flooring, paint, improve storage and flow.
· Can we have a quieter ice machine or sound insulation between kitchen & Wesley Hall?
We will investigate.