REVISED March 14, 2020 (11:30 a.m.)
Dear Members and Friends of Immanuel,
As troubling reports about the COVID-19 / Coronavirus continue to fill the media I want to share some important changes to help our church family. In light of unfolding information, the executive team of our Church Council has decided to take several significant steps in response to this public health crisis. These changes will apply to both our Lakeside Park campus and our Boone Campus.
ALL in-person worship services at Immanuel are CANCELLED for the next 2-3 weeks (until further notice)
All other mid-week activities on and off campus are CANCELLED (with some exceptions) for at least 3 weeks (until Palm Sunday) but we will notify the congregation if we must extend these precautions. Please read on for more details.
I know we are living in surreal times, and it seems like there is new information each hour that overturns assumptions we were previously certain about. I know this reverses a decision we made just Thursday, and some people will get a letter early next week with the previous plan which contradicts this one. However, a few things have changed since then (but yesterday seems like a week ago!):
Our Bishop, Leonard Fairley, issued a letter (click here to read) late last night asking all United Methodist Churches in Kentucky to suspend worship services and large group gatherings for at least the next two weeks. As an appointed Pastor in the Kentucky Conference I am under his authority and I need to honor his direction. Plus, he makes a compelling case that I think is very wise. I am grateful for him. (See 1 Thessalonians 5:12-13, Ephesians 5:21).
We were collaborating with six other churches of comparable size and situations who were following our same plan, but on Friday they all reversed their decisions in response to new information. I thought I was well read and up to date on this issue, but I realize I’m at least a day or two behind, and with the rapid pace of change and perspective that is significant.
I felt reasonably good about our decisions when I left our executive team meeting on Thursday, but my heart got heavier and heavier through the day yesterday, and I felt the Lord challenging me to humble myself and admit that we needed to change course. After discussing this again with our Church Council Executive Team we have agreed to this change. Please forgive us for any confusion and know that we are sincerely trying to make the best of a very difficult, and rapidly changing, situation.
Upon further consultation with medical experts in our church we think the situation now warrants this response (please see this article about rational for closures).
We will live stream a worship service at 11:15 on Facebook and on our website each Sunday. You can also access it live, and as a recording, on our website homepage –
This presentation won’t be very sophisticated (it’s sure to improve as we go along), but it will be done in great earnest to glorify God and to bless those who watch.
We hope you will join us each Sunday from your home or wherever you are.
We will also be reaching out with more online opportunities through the week to offer support to you in these troubling times. You will be in our thoughts and prayers each moment of these days.
Other important Information:
ALL other events and activities (on and off campus) are canceled with the following exceptions:
o Recovery Groups (AA etc.) will continue to meet but will modified and moved to safer areas
o Sunday Night Live outreach will continue weekly at our Covington location (with modifications)
o All Totes of Love Food Pantry ministries will continue (with some modifications)
o School of Music private lessons will continue (due to special circumstances involved)
o The Church office will remain open. Staff will be available by phone and email (some staff with greater health risks will work from home and the doors will be locked to public traffic).
The CDC is warning people at greater risk of serious illness to stay home as much as possible. This includes people over 60 or with underlying health conditions (such as diabetes, heart disease, lung disease, or any illnesses or medications that compromise immune systems). The average age of those who have died from the Covid-19 / Coronavirus around the world is 80, so older persons are at a greater risk of not recovering from an infection. Persons with above average risk factors should take extra precautions.
Financial Issues: At the risk of sounding mercenary or mundane, please remember that the financial obligations of the church will continue, so if you’re unable to attend worship, please continue to give at your regular level (including your Revive pledges). Thank you for your faithfulness to the Lord. Please go to to learn about alternative ways of giving.
General Precautions for you to take. Please check the following sites for specific information.
Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19). Main Center for Disease Control (CDC) website.
What You Need to Know About Coronavirus Disease 2019.
Preventing COVID-19 Spread in Communities.
Information from the World Health Organization:
The following article makes a very compelling case on how closing venues or refraining from large group gatherings can be helpful - both to prevent illness, and to protect the healthcare system which must be able to manage treatment for other seriously ill people.
Please be in prayer for people around the world being impacted by this pandemic virus, including all health care workers. Please pray for the light of Christ to shine through us to point people to Christ, and to His Word, and to His church - which are great sources of hope in this and all times. We will email updates and post information on our website and Facebook as it becomes available. If you have specific questions or concerns please contact the church office at or 859-341-5330. God bless you.
Your brother in Christ,
Dr. Kelly McClendon, Senior Pastor